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8 Complaint Forms
1- Civil Complaint Form
This is a form in which one party writes about damages that are happen by other party. It contains all details of both parties. Causes of damages and role of both parties also clearly mention in it. This form is submitted in to court. Date of submission is also mention in it. All complete story of damage should describe in it……..More?
2- Blank Complaint Form
This form is totally blank. The person who wants to submit any type of complains he writes his complain on it according to his requirement. There is no predefined format. Writer of complain writes in his own format. He defines everything in it according to his requirement. Category of complain is not already mention in it…….More?
3- Legal Complaint Form
Such type of complaint form contains legal complains. It consists complains about lawyer or legal adviser. It is written to the legal service commission. This form is written by those people who have complains regarding legal issues. Contents of this form are complete nature of complain, details of lawyer and issue………More?
4- Police Complaint Form
This type of form contains complaint about security issues of city or any individual. It may also contain details about any fraud or theft related activities happened at any time. This form is from any citizen or higher authority to police department. Contents of this form are name and complete details of sender, reasons of complaints and expected solutions for that particular complaint………More?
5- Consumer Complaint Form
Such type of form is from consumer to company. This form is source of sending complains to company. Consumer writes issues about products or services of that company. It may be about usage, quality and price of products or services. Contents of this form are name and address of consumer, details of product or service and details of complaint……..More?
6- Employee Complaint Form
Such type of complaint form is from employee to his employer. A complain form is a source of conveying complaints to higher authority. It contains a complaint of insufficient salary, behavior of other employees or it may be about lack of discipline in organizing Contents of this form are name of employee, job details and rank of employee, reason and nature of the complaint………….More?
7- Teacher Complaint Form
This type of complaint form in which teacher complaints to higher authority of institute. The complaint may be about student’s behavior, discipline issues or insufficient salary. Contents of this form are name and complete details of teacher, nature of complaint, reason of complaint etc. He can get it from his institute’s department, fill it and then submit it there…………More?
8- Student Complaint Form
This is such type of complain form which is from student side to higher authority of any educational institution or to any teacher. It contains different types of complaints in one form or may be it contains only one complaint in form. Contents of this form are name and ID of student, nature of complaint, reason of complaint and details of complaint, Student can get this form from his relevant book shop in his institution……….More?
Posted in Multiple Word Forms
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